A good quality lock on your storage unit will give you peace of mind.
Boxes are the most economical and best protection for your goods. Try to keep boxes as uniform in size as possible and stack them from heaviest to lightest to avoid damage to contents. Another alternative to boxes are plastic tubs purchased at most hardware or household goods stores.
Recommended to place pallets on your storage unit floor and allow for a small air space around your goods to aid in ventilation to prevent condensation.
Recommended to pack valuable items such as stereos and cameras in unmarked boxes and place them near the rear of your storage unit.
Labeling your boxes will save time when trying to locate a specific item.
Always pack books flat to protect their spines. Do not place boxes directly on floor in case of any condensation. Pack books in smaller boxes as they can get very heavy to carry. Lining your book boxes with plastic is another good practice. Placing a fabric softener sheet in the box will help prevent any mildew smell.
Always store windows, screens and mirrors on edge, never flat to avoid damage. Individually packaging them in cardboard or mirror packs is a good idea. Marking all Fragile boxes will help to insure these cartons are handled with care.
When packing dishes and glasses always wrap them individually. Place a piece of packing paper or towel on bottom and top of cartons to protect them from any bumps. Plain packing paper is recommended as newspaper print may transfer onto your valuables. Stack plates on edge for best results.
Always use mattress and furniture plastic covers to protect your possessions. Stand sofas/mattresses on end and cover floor underneath with cardboard or wooden pallet.
Refrigerators, freezers, washers and dryers make excellent places to store bedding, clothing, towels, etc. Wedge appliance doors open if you are storing them for any length of time. Also, cleaning your appliances before storing is recommended.
Use furniture drawers as extra storage for clothes, blankets or smaller household items, pictures,etc. Make sure to secure drawers so they do not open in transit.
Always plan to move the bigger and heavier items into your storage unit first, then pack smaller items around and on top of them.
Wiping metal objects such as bicycles, tools, etc. with a gently oiled rag can help prevent these items from rusting.
Insuring your belongings while in storage is a very good idea. Check your home policy to confirm if you have coverage while your valuables are in storage. If not, ask us about our reasonable rates on self-storage insurance. IF IT'S WORTH STORING - IT'S WORTH PROTECTING!
Please refer to our Space Requiredsection for more information.